"Big enough to serve your Orchid needs, small enough for personal service"

Phalaenopsis Orchids, unlike most orchids, prefer a slightly moist
media at all times. Phals have no water storage facility, such as psuedobulbs,
to retain water. Phals inhabit, in the wild, a constantly moist environment.
So, In straight bark mixes, higher watering frequency is necessary to maintain
constant slight moisture at their roots. Phals do not like dry roots,
their motto: "I dry, I die", so their media mixture should always contain
some moisture retainers, while maintaining an open, airy media, hence
coconut chunks. Drains well, while retaining adequate moisture for Phalaenopsis.
CoCo Nut chunks retain water, while resisting material breakdown
Reduce watering frequency, while retaining moisture at the roots.
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