"Big enough to serve your Orchid Supply needs, small enough for personal service"
Conserve® – Naturalyte Insect Control
Listed with OMRI
(Organic Materials Review Institute
Controls caterpillars, thrips, leafminers,
beetles & flies on many ornamentals,
vegetables & fruits
Controls caterpillars, fleas & fire ants
in lawns
CONTAINS: 0.5% Spinosad
USE ON: Vegetables, ornamentals, and fruit trees.
CONTROLS: Fire ants, caterpillars, worms,
leafminers, leafrollers, thrips, gall midges,
leaf feeding beetles, fruit flies, colorado
potato beetle and corn earworms.
RATE: spray at 2 oz. per gallon of spray or
drench at 2 oz. per gallon on Fire Ant mounds
APPLICATION: Mix with water, use as a thorough cover spray
Conserve® – Naturalyte Insect Control 16 OZs
Conserve® – Naturalyte Insect Control 8 Ozs
- Vandas, by Dr Martin R Motes
- Vandas and Ascocendas, by David L. Grove
- Home Orchid Growing, 5th Ed by Rebecca Northen
- The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Orchids, by Alec Pridgeon
- The Manual of Cultivated Orchid Species, by Bechtel, et al
- Encyclopedia of Cultivated Orchids, by Alex D. Hawkes
- All About Orchids, by Charles Marden Fitch
- Growing Orchids, American Orchid Society 1993
- Growing Orchids Book Three, by J. N. Rentoul
- All About Orchids, by Charles Marden Fitch
- Encyclopedia of Cultivated Orchids, by Alex D. Hawkes
- Home Orchid Growing, by Rebecca Northen
- Orchid Care, by Walter Richter
- Illustrated Encyclopedia of Orchid Species, by Alec Pridgeon
CLAN Tropicals (Owned and Maintained by Orchids ' R ' Us, Inc.)