C - Cool - 50-60° F nighttime , 70-75 ° F daytime
I - Intermediate - 55-65 ° nighttime, 75-80 ° F daytime
W - Warm - 60-70 ° nighttime, 80-90 ° F daytime
H - Heavy - Never allow to dry out, always slightly moist
M- Normal - Allow to dry before next watering
L - Lite - Allow to dry well before next watering
H- Heavy Feeder - 1 teaspoon per gallon, every two weeks, during growth cycle.
M - Medium Feeder- 1/2 teaspoon per gallon, every two weeks, during growth cycle.
L - Lite - 1/4 teaspoon per gallon, every two weeks, during growth cycle.
N - None
The fertilizer analysis (N-P-K) depends upon the type of medium being used. For coconut chips, and general inorganic medias, we recommend 20-10-20 for routine fertilizing, 6-30-30 for bloom boosting, with 30-10-10 for bark. We recommend no feeding during the non growth cycle or hardening off period. The above recommendations are for water soluble non urea based fertilizers. For urea based fertilizers double the amount, as 50% of your Nitrogen is not readily available to the potted or mounted orchids.
VL- Dim - 750 foot candles (90% shade) no direct sun.
L- Low - 1500 foot candles (80% shade
M- Medium - 3000 foot candles- (60% shade), "Bright Shade" able to read a newspaper comfortably
H - High, Morning sun until noon, with light shade after noon
VH - Full, unobstructed sun, all day, unable to read a newspaper because of bright glare
As with all plants, Orchids can stand a higher level of sun, once adapted to the higher level. Adjustments in light levels must be done in steps to avoid burning the plants. Orchid leaves should be lime green, not lemon yellow (too much sun), or cucumber green (too little), to bloom well.
Comments- Cultural Comments
Baskets - Best grown in a wooden or plastic, slatted basket , usually without media
Cool/Dry/Mature to Bloom - Grow cool and dry after new growth matures until blooming.
Cool/Mature - When new growth matures, grow cooler until new growth begins.
Dry/Leaf Fall - Stop water and fertilizer when the leaves begin to fall. Start normal watering and fertilizing when new growth or new roots emerge.
Drier/Leaf Fall - Reduce, but do not stop, water and fertilizer after the leaves fall. Start normal watering and fertilizing when new growth or new roots emerge.
Drier/Mature - When new growth mature, Reduce, but do not stop, water and fertilizer after the leaves fall. Start normal watering and fertilizing when new growth or new roots emerge.
Moist - Keep damp, not wet, at all times. Mist the plant daily if necessary to keep moist.
Pot Only - Plants should be grown in pots for best results.
Rest/Flower, RAF - Needs several weeks of dry rest after flowering
Slab/Raft - Grow mounted on a cork or tree fern raft with a moss pad around the roots.
Terrestrial - Prefers a terrestial potting media, such as ProMix® or African Violet Mix.
WB - Use an open wire basket, lined with moss and media
Bloom - Peak Blooming Period for North America
SP - Spring
SU - Summer
FA - Fall
WR - Winter
V - Variable or Sporadically throughout year
Notes - Additional Info, ie: synonyms, authors, habitat, etc.
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